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Middletown, NY


First Grader


Body Powered Prosthesis with TRS Lite Touch Voluntary Closing Hand

Handspring hero Since


Success Story

Written by: Laura Katzenberger, L/CP


Steffon was referred to Handspring by his Rehabilitation Team at Blythedale Children's Hospital. It was a true collaborative team effort from the start with dedication and compassionate care from both his Blythedale and Handspring team as well as his strong and unwavering family support that led to a successful outcome. Steffon lit up the room with his presence and big smile prior to receiving his prosthesis and after he received it, he became a super hero; a Handspring Hero!​​

What Stands Out

Steffon was born with sickle cell disease. He led a healthy, care-free life, typical of most young children, until he developed an invasive streptococcal pneumococcus infection with sepsis, meningitis, and septic shock which led to developing dry necrotic gangrene of his fingers and toes and eventual amputations of both of his feet and hands. Handspring had the pleasure of meeting Steffon and his mom when he was 5 years old at Blythedale Children's Hospital where he was receiving exceptional care and recuperating.  


Handspring recommended focusing on function over form for Steffon's first upper limb prosthesis. He was fit with a body powered prosthesis which incorporates a voluntary closing hand on his left side wrist disarticulation level arm so that he could regain bimanual grasp. His goals included recreational activities such as playing legos, basketball, riding a bike as well as daily activities such as feeding himself and holding a drink.


Steffon participated in Handspring's Excelerated Fitting Program where he had the opportunity to spend the day with his mom and our clinical team which consisted of his lead Prosthetist Chris Fink, MSPO, CPO, Occupational Therapist Debra Latour, OT, PP-OTD, M.Ed, FAOTA and Laura Katzenberger, CP, LP. In 1 day he was fit with a preliminary prosthesis. At the end of that day, he was asked how it feels to have a helper hand and he replied, "It feels GREAT!!!!!!!!"


The Body Powered Prosthetic Simulator from the manufacturer TRS Inc. was extremely valuable for both his Occupational Therapist as well as for his mom to experience what it is like to wear and operate a body powered prosthesis.  


A very special thank you to his dedicated team at Blythedale Children's Hospital: Julie Knitter, OTR and Director of Occupational Therapy & Assistive Technology, Steffon's Occupational Therapist Kathryn Hepp, OTR, L, and his Pediatric Physiatrist Dr. Ruth Alejandro.


Steffon's Advice

"Never give up!"

Handspring Heroes

Providing personalized, expert care in upper & lower limb prosthetic rehabilitation.

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